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Published date: 27.02.2022

#4 Creating an Event

To commence the jumping day, organize the first loads, and assign skydivers to the load, it is essential to create a new event. Each event represents a distinct jumping day.

Navigate to the "Events" section in the navigation menu. Clicking on "Create new event" will open the form for generating a new event. Please ensure to fill in the required fields for effective event management, some of which are mandatory. Mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk, and the form cannot be submitted without completing them. Certain fields are pre-filled with default information from the user profile, which can be easily modified as needed.

Let's proceed step by step:

  • Event Name: Here, you can assign a specific name to your event for easy recognition when searching for events later on.

  • Event Location: Specify the location of the event, which could be the country name, city, Dropzone name, airport name, etc.

  • Address: Enter the address where the Dropzone is located.

  • Event Date and Start Time: This indicates the commencement date and time of the event itself, not the first load time. The first load time will be entered when creating the loads.

  • Contact Email, Contact Phone Number, and Website: These fields can be modified if necessary.

  • Aircraft: Specify the aircraft being used for the event.

  • Slots per Load: Indicate the number of jumpers, including tandem passengers, that the aircraft can accommodate. This information automatically generates load sheets with the specified number of slots.

  • Turnaround Time: This denotes the time required for one load, from take-off to take-off, also known as Back-to-Back load time. This information automatically creates loads with the entered intervals. Delay time can be added to individual loads for any delays, refueling, or break times.

  • Event Additional Information: Use this field to input any supplementary details about the event.

Upon successfully creating the event, a confirmation message will be displayed. If necessary, the event can be edited by clicking on the "EDIT" button. To delete the event, click on the "DELETE" button.

Clicking on the "OPEN" button will open the event, allowing you to create the first load.