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Published date: 27.02.2022

#3 Manifest Bud reference number

A reference number is a unique and publicly accessible identifier associated with a Business Owner account or Skydiving organization within the Manifest Bud application.

When skydivers enter a Business Owner's reference number, they gain access to view only the events and flight schedules associated with that particular Business Owner. Simultaneously, the Business Owner can only see jumpers who have entered their reference number on their profiles.

The primary purpose of the reference number is to ensure that Skydiving organizations can view only those skydivers who are participating in their events within the Manifest Bud application, rather than every individual with a Manifest Bud profile.

Unlike Business Owners or Skydiving organizations, Skydivers have the ability to change or update the reference number entry on their profiles, particularly when switching to a different Drop Zone or Skydiving organization.

It is essential for the reference number to be prominently displayed at skydiving events or in marketing materials. This ensures that registered jumpers can easily locate and input or update the reference number of the respective Skydiving organizations in their profiles.